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Uncontested Divorce

What Not to Do During Separation in Virginia

For many couples considering divorce, separating from your spouse can seem like the logical first step. While separation is not required prior to divorce in Virginia, separating may help you be better able to start figuring out what your life will look like once the divorce is finalized. And, depending on the relationship you have… Read more

Uncontested Divorce

Can You Get a Divorce Without the Other Person Signing in Virginia?

When most couples get divorced, it’s normal for both spouses to see it coming. Between disagreements, changes in lifestyle, and a host of other factors, many couples can tell when a marriage is drawing to an end. But there may be times when one spouse is ready for a divorce and the other isn’t. If… Read more

Uncontested Divorce

What Counts as Being Separated in Virginia?

When you and your spouse decide to get a divorce, you’ll likely want to start living apart. This is known as separation and it’s a required step in the divorce process. It shows the court that you and your spouse are serious about ending your marriage and the state typically requires that you and your… Read more

Uncontested Divorce

Do You Have to Go to Court for Uncontested Divorce in Virginia?

If you’re like most people, you assume that you have to go to court when you file for divorce. And while this may be the case for many divorces, uncontested divorces work a bit differently. Uncontested divorces are considered no-fault divorces and couples are free to determine their own divorce settlement with the help of… Read more

Uncontested Divorce

Bankruptcy and Uncontested Divorce: What You Need to Know

Filing for an uncontested divorce is a great way to streamline the divorce process and help you and your spouse move on more quickly. It’s ideal for spouses who are already in agreement on the terms of the divorce and who are confident in their ability to negotiate throughout the process. But if your spouse… Read more

Uncontested Divorce

How to Prepare for Your Uncontested Divorce

Uncontested divorces are ideal for couples who agree that a divorce is in their best interest and who can agree on the terms of the divorce without relying on the court. These divorces tend to take less time to complete and often can save you and your spouse money. While they’re typically easier than traditional… Read more

Uncontested Divorce

Will an Uncontested Divorce Work for My Situation?

When you and your spouse decide to divorce, you have two choices: pursue an uncontested divorce or pursue a more traditional divorce. Both will help you separate from your spouse and distribute your assets but uncontested divorces can be a better fit for many couples. So how can you tell if an uncontested divorce will… Read more

Uncontested Divorce

What Is the Cheapest Way to Get a Divorce in Virginia?

Getting divorced can be costly. In fact, the average price for a traditional divorce in the United States falls between $15,000 and $20,000. Even if you’ve been saving up, this can take a serious toll on your finances. But those prices aren’t set in stone and your trusted Virginia divorce lawyer wants to help you… Read more

Uncontested Divorce

How to Keep Divorce Conversations Civil When Pursuing an Uncontested Divorce

While an uncontested divorce typically means fewer complications, you and your spouse must agree to all of the terms of the divorce if you want to be successful. That means finding ways to maintain civility and have productive conversations as you navigate the process isn’t just a good idea—it’s essential to the success of your… Read more

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